Criminals are always looking for weak points when it comes to home security - an automatic garage door can be a weak point. If the opener can be tripped from outside, or the door doesn’t lock into place properly, your garage can become a perfect entry point for thieves. Worse, strange people walking in and out of your garage can look less suspicious to neighbors than they would using your front door, so the thieves are more likely to get away with a break-in…even in broad daylight! Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to secure your garage door and prevent it from becoming an access point for burglars.
Keep Everything Working
Garage door maintenance is a security issue as well as a functional one. If your door doesn’t always lock securely, someone could force it open. If your opener sometimes trips on its own, your door could open without you ever knowing it, inviting passersby in to take advantage. Safety sensors can also be exploited if their detection range extends outside of the door even a tiny bit. Having your garage door maintained on a regular schedule will eliminate these vulnerabilities along with other technical problems.
Use Rolling Code Technology
Remote control codes aren’t as safe as they used to be. With modern code grabber technology, criminals could intercept your remote control’s unique signal and copy it, using their own handheld remote to hijack control of your garage door. More modern remote control systems use a rolling code that changes every time you press the button, and therefore can’t be stolen and exploited. If your remote doesn’t use rolling code, replace it with one that does.
Add A Layer
Even if someone breaks into your garage, you can prevent them from stealing anything by putting a proper lock or deadbolt on the door connecting it to your house. If you plan on keeping anything valuable inside the garage itself (besides your car), you might also want to frost or cover the windows; this will help to prevent anyone from looking inside and deciding a break in would be worth it.
For any other garage door related questions, our experts are here to help – just give us a call at Garage Door Repair Winter Park.